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Eat News

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Everything posted by Eat News

  1. Well son you may be suffering from an overdose of news... http://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2018/06/05/almost-seven-in-ten-americans-have-news-fatigue-more-among-republicans/ But there is no cure...and we are all gonna die.
  2. Admitting you have a problem is the first step to recovery. 11 steps left. Enjoy!
  3. At least the guy got to pen a nice goodbye post. Does he control that twitter ID or is that an NBC branded thing?
  4. Kids programming is taking a dive on TV just like he rest of traditional appointment TV. Maybe there is not much interest.
  5. Nobody thought Scripps would try to launch a national newscast... just saying... If there is a pending race to grab up conservative viewers, you can bet a national product will be highly considered if Sinclair rolls one out. Everyone is just trying to hold on to viewers right now. ..so if there is a fight for the conservative ones you can be assured all stops will be pulled out. Everything will be on the table... Even a network newscast .
  6. They would do it as a reactive move to Sinclair rolling out a national newscast. Lets see how long syndicated fare flies once it's game-on in the fight for conservative eyeballs. Not planning for the possibilities would be unwise and short sighted for all players. FOX has plenty of NN "templates" ready to deploy if needed.
  7. I wonder if Sinclair will put pressure on FOX to launch some form of nightly national offering...in whatever form it takes. CBS is a freaking mess right now...SF and Philly are in the crapper...same with most the other CBS news products. And the crazy lawsuits... Run!
  8. And those doors have nice knockers... For knocking on doors... of course.
  9. That's why we have vices... drinking... drugs... candy crush... call of duty... Ok, ok... I watch LMAD and TPIR...but only for the "visuals".
  10. Well while you are begging for money from the network to produce those game shows... Enjoy this 3rd hour from your friends at ABC. Sorry... No game shows.
  11. What can you say? They were performing a job and public service and lost their lives in the process.... Not like the BBC ever sent a crew into danger (Iraq) and lives were lost. Nothing good will come from this....there is nobody to blame. It's a sad chain of events that only could have been prevented by staying home. ...and if you would have asked those guys if they wanted to stay home that day...they would have laughed in our faces.
  12. In addition to being an MMJ... They probably wanted him to wash the station windows and do the landscaping maintenance between vo-sots and face-tweets. A man has his limits.
  13. All of them are morons for thinking that you can be "safe" at a shooting scene. You want safety??? Stay the heck out of the area. The reporter has a choice to be there. Buy some kevlar if you are concerned about getting shot. And if you (as a manager) are concerned about LIABILITY then don't send the reporter into harms way...period. When you cover breaking news YOU assume all risk involved....not your stupid boss.
  14. Longtime local TV anchor Cathy Clark dies...KFMB.KCST,KUSI (and friend of KBEX-TV) Anchor /Reporter passes away... She was one of the NewsEaters...and one of the best in the biz. Thanks for everything. She will be missed. http://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/news/public-safety/sd-me-cathy-clark-20180524-story.html
  15. Good news... Hanna was found! Alive ! Unharmed! She is still at KGTV and still the military reporter. She was never missing....I just didn't look hard enough and somebody else ( I can't say who ) found her...and emailed me. Dopey Me! I'm sorry for the mistake and hope her family is not mad at me. She was not abducted by navy seals...or bears. I have learned a very valuable lesson about "being first".
  16. I hope she has a date, because it sucks going to a wedding alone. Any clues as to what she might wear? I hope she wears a cute little hat. And sensible shoes.
  17. Thanks for the link, because I took the time to watch both pieces on this event produced by the station... Not a single historic picture of any of these important players during this time...no old reels of film? No clips of the newspaper articles from the library? Nope. Just boring talking heads at a podium More lazy reporting and more lazy production. That's what your news dollar gets you today. Why would anyone want to watch that?
  18. Wait! Forgot one ... Mike Ogle Wallace of 60 minutes... And his son Chris Ogle Wallace on FNC. Now we can resume.
  19. Thank God all those democrats running for office in 2018 will be boycotting the Sinclair stations by denying them those vital campaign ad dollars. Right??? That tactic would suck Sinclair dry in no time. #democratsboycottsinclair
  20. I love sex... But I'm not kjergkheahgo'aipgj;avk' '.s/
  21. If you can't or don't write that off on your taxes, then you really don't need it.
  22. Now that's cool, Going back to the roots... and keeping things simple.
  23. Can we clear something up that has been bugging me for all these years? No "Anchorman" in San Diego ever ended the show with "Stay Classy"... This is what Harold Green ended the show with in 1976 at KGTV. 5pm Version: "That's it from San Diego, the NBC Nightly News is Next... Take care of one another...from all of us at KGTV...to all of you." Or the 11pm " That's it from San Diego, The Tonight Show starring Johnny Carson is next... Take care of one another...from all of us at KGTV...to all of you...Good Night". I may have one or two words switched up, but that's how it went. Finally! A huge burden has been lifted from me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  24. Praise the lord there is no "Cap" for junk tv. I'm old enough to remember when they didn't glue down the food and dishes during the Springer "Holiday" shows.. . What kind of punk-ass throws Jello anyway?
  25. I gave Lester the night off. He needs a hug. If you know what I mean.
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